Why Organic is Better

There are many reasons why organic produce is better for you than non-organic produce. For one, organic produce is pesticide-free, which is better for your health. Second, organic farming supports a sustainable agriculture system that preserves our environment. And lastly, organic produce tastes better! In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of eating organic food and why it is important to choose organic whenever possible.

Organic is becoming much more popular in recent years, as people become more concerned about their health. It’s not only foods too, organic has become a buzz word that is used in any number of industries now, including many non-food items such as cannabis, cosmetics, and clothing. While the health benefits when using organic clothing may not be as easy to see, companies selling products like cosmetics – which go on the skin, or weed – which people inhale, are definitely offering desirable products to their discerning consumers.

Recently, many new companies have sprung up that exclusively sell organic products only. Buy Weed in Phuket – an organic cannabis dispensary based in Thailand, is a good example of this.

Better for Us

Better for Us

The health benefits of eating organic food are numerous. Pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used in conventional farming can be harmful to our health. These chemicals have been linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer, reproductive issues, and endocrine disruption. By choosing organic produce, we can avoid these harmful chemicals and protect our health.

Not only this, but organic food is also more nutritious than non-organic food. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than their conventionally grown counterparts. This included a large increase in vegan omega 3 which is an essential nutrient for maintaining optimal health. So not only is organic food better for our health, but it is also more nutritious!

Better for the Environment

Better for the Environment

Organic farming supports a sustainable agriculture system that preserves our environment. Conventional farming relies heavily on pesticides and herbicides, which can contaminate our water supply and harm wildlife. Organic farmers use natural methods to control pests and weeds, which are better for the environment. In addition, organic farms are usually smaller than conventional farms, which means they have a smaller carbon footprint.

Another benefit of organic farming is that it supports local economies. When you buy organic produce, you are supporting farmers who are using sustainable practices. This helps to create a market for organic products, which in turn encourages more farmers to switch to organic farming. This is good for the environment, our economy, and our community.

Better Taste

Better Taste

Organic food simply tastes better than non-organic food. The freshness and flavor of organic fruits and vegetables are unbeatable. If you have ever had a freshly picked tomato from your garden, you know what we’re talking about!

The taste from pesticide laden fruits and vegetables does not compare to the taste of organic produce. Pesticides can actually affect the flavor of fruits and vegetables, making them less sweet or less flavorful. By choosing organic, you are guaranteed to get the best-tasting produce available.

The Bottom Line

There are many reasons to choose organic food over non-organic food. Organic food is better for our health, our environment, and our economy. In addition, organic food simply tastes better! When given the choice, always choose organic. Your body and your taste buds will thank you!